
Xavi Rumors Show Growth of Major League Soccer

Since its inception in 1996, Major League Soccer has been looked at as a little brother of sorts in comparison to its competitors across the pond. On one hand, MLS didn’t have the resources and culture to compete with its overseas brethren, as years of history gave leagues all over the world the upper hand. On the other, the league tried too hard to stand out from those that came before, as the Americanizing of the world’s game was seen by many as soccer suicide. Finally, the league repeatedly took hand-me-downs from its older, wiser siblings, as players like Thierry Henry, Allessandro Nesta and Rafael Marquez were passed on to the league despite being used goods. However, a new day is dawning in the American soccer universe, as MLS is finally beginning to attract players that legitimize the league to the rest of the world. Recent rumors from's Simon Borg linking Barcelona midfielder Xavi to the New York Red Bulls show the league is moving in a different direction: one that involved bringing in the world’s best to ply their trade on American soil. For years, Xavi has been the midfield maestro of the brilliant Blaugrana, and has shown little signs of slowing down, as ...
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