
MLS Expansion, Building off Recent Sucsess Part Two

This is Part 2 of my little MLS Expansion slide shows. In the first one I pointed out a few cities/states that should be represented in the MLS. Now, I don't mean all of these cities should be included in the MLS, that would just be over-expansion but I do think the MLS must grow and this points out the 'Pros-Cons' of each possible city. Previously I wrote about Florida, Atlanta, St. Louis and Montreal. This time I will add a few others. Some you often hear about, others my personal idea.Begin Slideshow
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MLS Expansion: Building off Recent Sucsess Part One

The MLS, despite some struggles is here to stay. The league has grown stronger and popularity is growing. Recently expansion has been very successful and the MLS is looking to do this in the future and this is how I think it should go if the MLS wants to grow and stay on the coarse the going. This is #1, I will make a #2 with other cities that could and should have MLS franchises. Begin Slideshow
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