
Congrats MLS, You Are Ranked 88th in the World

Is there a way to say, "Hey America, your soccer league is ranked 88th in the world but it's OK?" Well, I guess I have to try at least. This years rankings of the top 115 domestic leagues in the world done by the International Federation of Football History & Statistics (IFFHS) has been released and one can find Major League Soccer near the very bottom. One bright spot I suppose—there are several nations who took part of this year's FIFA World Cup, including New Zealand (115), Honduras (92), Ghana (91), and Ivory Coast (90). However the MLS has a huge list of nations who did not qualify yet have a "stronger" domestic league. The MLS came behind leagues from such countries as Algeria (20), Iran (23), Kuwait (24), Qatar (27), Syria (29), Israel (31), Vietnam (35), Uzbekistan(38), Georgia (43), Libya (49), Honk Kong (53), Botswana (56), Guatemala (72), Zimbabwe (82), among others. Don't worry however, this does not reflect on the status of the game as a whole in the country. The most important part is that the national team has reflected very well to the world the past few years and some of the top players are almost on the fringe ...
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